Accounting reports are compiled from a business’s accounting records and provide an overview of the financial status of a company at specific points in time or over a certain duration.
They are useful in maintaining a record of items such as income, cashflow or transactions and reduce the risk of reporting inconsistencies to stakeholders or tax authorities.
Accounting reports are typically considered to be financial statements, which includes items such as balance sheets, cashflow and income statements.
DashBod has an extensive range of reports that your company can generate.
List of Reports
- Profit and Loss Report
- General Ledger Report
- Balance Sheet Report
- Trial Balance Report
- Aging Report
- Invoice and Bill Report
1. Profit and Loss Report
The profit and loss report is a financial statement that summarizes revenue, costs, and expenses incurred by your business during a specific time period.
2. General Ledger Report
The main purpose of a general ledger report is to monitor all your company’s financial activities as it summarises different areas of your accounting in one place.
3. Balance Sheet Report
A balance sheet report gives a statement of your business’s assets, liabilities and equity at a specific point in time.
4. Trial Balance Report
The main purpose of this report is to identify if the balances of debit and credit entries in the general ledger match, or simply put, it tells you if your company’s bookkeeping entries are mathematically correct.
5. Aging Report
There are 2 types of aging reports: Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.
An accounts payable aging report shows your payables to suppliers and helps businesses to identify which of their invoices are overdue for payment.
On the other hand, an accounts receivable aging report shows the unpaid invoice balances to your business and how long they’ve been outstanding. This report helps businesses identify open invoices and allows you to stay on top of payment delays.
6. Invoice and Bill Report
The Invoice and Bill Report lets you see all the customer invoices and supplier bills that has been issued by your company, during a specific period of time.
What’s next
Find out what HR Reports you can create using DashBod.